Barrhill Website
Barrhill Clubs & Activities

Quick links: Angling Club, Badminton Club, Barrhill Bowling Club, Barrhill Camera Club, Barrhill Craft Group ,Wee Whist, Coffee, Pilates, Book Club

Barrhill Angling Club

Chairman: John Bisset, Queensland Holiday, Park Barrhill
Secretary: Pat O’Connor, 5 Gowlands Terrace, Barrhill
Treasurer: David Niven, Waulkmill, Barrhill
James Smith, 6 Gowlands Terrace Barrhill

Who can join the club?
Members are drawn from Barrhill, and also from Girvan and villages in between.  There is no limit as to age; in fact the club has always tried to encourage youngsters.  Ladies of all ages are welcome.

How do I join?
Initially by speaking to a member.


Are there day tickets?
Day tickets are sold from 1st May.  At present day ticket holders have to be accompanied by a member.  Day tickets are available from the Treasurer or from Mr James Smith (see addresses above).

What equipment is needed?
Only orthodox fly fishing equipment is allowed.

How much does it cost? (2023 fees)
New members: £55
Existing members: £50
Juniors (under 16): £10
Senior citizens (over 65) (new): £35
Senior citizens (existing): £30
Day tickets from 1st May
(including pensioners) £12 (£30 week)
Juniors £6 (£15 week)

What are the rules?
Only fly fishing is allowed on the lochs.
Only ONE fish may be kept on one day.
Catch and release is allowed with barbless hooks.
There is no limit to the number of fish that can be caught and released.

Barrhill Badminton Club

The Badminton Club runs from September to June/July every Tuesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Memorial Hall.

Racquets and shuttlecocks are available.

All ages and abilities welcome.

Free for residents of Barrhill and adjacent villages.


Barrhill Bowling Club

We are not doing Fun Days this summer due to the Virus restrictions. There are no Club days, however the bowling green is open to members for bowling through to September.

Membership £15 adults, £5 children
Visitors £2 per session

EVERYONE IS WELCOME, we have bowls you can borrow so all you need is a pair of flat soled shoes.

Barrhill Camera Club

The club has its own Facebook page (Barrhill Camera Club) and new members are more than welcome.
Meetings are held on an Ad Hoc basis on Mondays at 7:30 and members are currently working on submissions for this year's exhibition and sale.

Contact details: Colin Keane 07774 416595

Barrhill Craft Group

Meet the first Thursday of the month 7-9pm

£2 per night

in the Memorial Hall.


DATE             Thursdays
TIME:             7.00pm to 8.00pm
ADMISSION:   £4.00 per person (class fee)

Further information can be obtained from:
LYN  BROOKS  01465 821413

Wee Whist

Wee Whist runs from September to May on every other Tuesday from 7:30pm to 10:30pm in the Memorial Hall.

Community Coffee Morning

Every Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 in the Memorial Hall.

Book Club

Fourth Monday of the month, except December, in the Memorial Hall.